road trips

On The Road to Alberta

On The Road to Alberta

Today marks the beginning of our journey out West to see the mountains. Cee and I are taking a very budget two-week road trip to Alberta. With a rental car packed with camping gear, our adventure will mostly consist of hiking and sightseeing. We're super excited to finally see some dinosaurs and mountains!

Are you ready? Because we are. 

Vacation Versus Travelling: Do You Know the Difference?

Vacation Versus Travelling: Do You Know the Difference?

Many people often interchange vacation and travelling. However, they represent two separate ideas. The former represents luxury, comfort and relaxation. Picture an all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas where you sip on strawberry daiquiris and lay on a beach all day. It could be a trip to Las Vegas with your buddies where you have a night you won’t remember. It could even be a weekend getaway to the vineyard to sample different wines. Ultimately, a vacation represents a recreational time to relax and de-stress from your hectic life at home.